Saltwater & Electrics

Saltwater and Electrics don’t mix. But what happens when saltwater gets into your electrics? Long story short: nothing works!

So after we reached Puerto Calero at 8pm we went to find the office because the VHF didn’t work but nobody was there so we went to a restaurant to have a meal. The night-time watcher was a tiny bit mad until he became our friend and after we told him he understood. He helped us park at the reception and gave us access to the showers. He had lived all his life in the Canaries and told us that all the islands are different in their own way. To this day we haven’t proved him wrong. He also recommended a restaurant called El Tomate

After-that, we went straight to sleep and, when we woke up, we went to charge our phones. Surprise surprise! The 12 volts plugs didn’t work. So we went straight to the shipyard to ask for an electrician. Somebody who worked for the shipyard, a really nice guy, came to know what we exactly needed. The 12 volts suddenly started working! The reasoning was simple – the saltwater had dried.

Some things didn’t start working because the wires were oxidised like the VHF. We thought that was it and that it need to be replaced but the electrician tried it at his workhouse and… it worked!

We washed Mistress inside-out because of the saltwater and nearly all our electronics started working one by one (except for the auto-helm that had overheated because it was under the bed and had actually caught fire).